用户协议Privacy Policy

第一部分 重要提示

本《网络游戏最终用户使用许可协议》(以下简称"协议")是用户(个人或单一实体,以下或称"用户")与Funcity之间有关Funcity旗下网络游戏(亦应包括该网络游戏之任何修改、更新、全部前期版本及后续版本及其附随的Funcity下载器等软件, 以下简称"网络游戏")使用的法律协议。








请注意:鉴于用户使用网络游戏服务之习惯,用户有义务自使用Funcity服务之日起每月自行主动对本最终用户使用许可协议之全部内容进行 重新阅读,鉴于上述约定,用户因自身怠于履行该等义务的,无权以未获知上述内容而对相关条款的法律效力提出异议。


2.1法定的Funcity采取合理的方式提请用户注意的义务将通过如下方式实现: 在本协议中Funcity以明确的足以引 起用户注意的下划线、红色标记等合理方式提醒用户注意相关条款 (需要强调的是,还包括但不限于用户应特别 注意任何未明确标记的含有“不承担”、“免责”、“不得”“拒绝”等类似形式用语的条款), 这些条款应在 中国法律所允许的范围内最大程度地适用于本协议。 除非用户接受本协议的全部条款,否则无权安装、复制、访 问Funcity相关网站、充值、运行客户端软件或以其它方式使用网络游戏。





鉴于Funcity已依法履行了格式条款制订方的义务,用户以上行为将被视为且应当被视为用户已经完全注意并同 意了本协议所有条款尤其是提醒用户注意的条款的合法性及有效性,用户不应当以Funcity未对格式条款以合理方式 提醒用户注意或未根据用户要求尽到说明义务为理由而声称或要求法院或其它任何第三方机构确认相关条款非法 或无效。



第二部分 权利声明 






3. 虚拟物品

网络游戏产品和服务中的虚拟物品,包括但不限于元宝、金币、黄金、游戏币、虚拟装备、虚拟道具等,由Funcity享有其所有权, 相应地基于该虚拟物品产生并储存于Funcity数据库的任何数据信息(包括但不限于虚拟物品数据信息、等级物品数据信息等)的所有权均属于Funcity。 用户在完全遵守协议的前提下,在正常使用网络游戏的过程中对属于其虚拟物品的数据信息享有协议规定的使用权。 

第三部分 必备条款 


1.1 用户承诺以其真实身份注册成为Funcity的用户,并保证所提供的个人身份资料信息真实、完整、有效,依据法律规定和必备条款约定对所提供的信息承担相应的法律责任。

1.2 用户以其真实身份注册成为Funcity用户后,需要修改所提供的个人身份资料信息的,Funcity应当及时、有效地为其提供该项服务。 


2.1 根据必备条款的约定,Funcity有权审查用户注册所提供的身份信息是否真实、有效,并应积极地采取技术与管理等合理措施保障用户账号的安全、有效;用户有义务妥善保管其账号及密码,并正确、安全地使用其账号及密码。任何一方未尽上述义务导致账号密码遗失、账号被盗等情形而给用户和他人的民事权利造成损害的,应当承担由此产生的法律责任。


2.3 用户发现其账号或密码被他人非法使用或有使用异常的情况的,应及时根据Funcity公布的处理方式通知Funcity,并有权通知Funcity采取措施暂停该账号的登录和使用。

2.4 Funcity根据用户的通知采取措施暂停用户账号的登录和使用的,Funcity应当要求用户提供并核实与其注册身份信息相一致的个人有效身份信息。 

2.4.1 Funcity核实用户所提供的个人有效身份信息与所注册的身份信息相一致的,应当及时采取措施暂停用户账号的登录和使用。

2.4.2 Funcity违反2.4.1款项的约定,未及时采取措施暂停用户账号的登录和使用,因此而给用户造成损失的,应当承担其相应的法律责任。

2.4.3 用户没有提供其个人有效身份证件或者用户提供的个人有效身份证件与所注册的身份信息不一致的,Funcity有权拒绝用户上述请求。

2.5 用户为了维护其合法权益,向Funcity提供与所注册的身份信息相一致的个人有效身份信息时,Funcity应当为用户提供账号注册人证明、原始注册信息等必要的协助和支持,并根据需要向有关行政机关和司法机关提供相关证据信息资料。





3.4 Funcity根据本条约定中止或终止对用户提供部分或全部服务的,Funcity应负举证责任。


4.1 Funcity要求用户提供与其个人身份有关的信息资料时,应当事先以明确而易见的方式向用户公开其隐私权保护政策和个人信息利用政策,并采取必要措施保护用户的个人信息资料的安全。


4.2.1 用户或用户监护人授权Funcity披露的;

4.2.2 有关法律要求Funcity披露的;

4.2.3 司法机关或行政机关基于法定程序要求Funcity提供的;

4.2.4 Funcity为了维护自己合法权益而向用户提起诉讼或者仲裁时;

4.2.5 应用户监护人的合法要求而提供用户个人身份信息时。

第四部分 主要条款 

1. 权利的许可 



2. 账号的维护 

2.1 账号责任



2.2 禁止转让


2.3 账号更新


3. 行为的禁止

3.1 禁止用户进行以下侵害本网络游戏公平性的行为,包括但不限于:

3.1.1 利用反向工程、编译或反向编译、反汇编等技术手段制作软件对游戏进行分析、修改、攻击,最终达到作弊的目的;

3.1.2 使用任何外挂程序或游戏修改程序(本协议所称“外挂程序”是指独立于游戏软件之外的,能够在游戏运行的同时影响游戏操作的所有程序,包括但不限于模拟键盘鼠标操作、改变操作环境、修改数据等一切类型。如国家有管法律、法规及政府主管部门的规章或规范性文件规定的外挂定义与本协议有冲突,则以法律、法规、部门规章或规范性文件规定的为准),对本网络游戏软件进行还原工程、编译、译码或修改,包括但不限于修改本软件所使用的任何专有通讯协议、对动态随机存取内存(RAM)中资料进行修改或锁定; 

3.1.3 使用异常的方法登录游戏、使用网络加速器等外挂软件或机器人程式等恶意破坏服务设施、扰乱正常服务秩序的行为;

3.1.4 制作、传播或使用外挂、封包、加速软件,及其它各种作弊程序,或组织、教唆他人使用此类软件程序,或销售此类软件程序而为私人或组织谋取经济利益;

3.1.5 使用任何方式或方法,试图攻击提供游戏服务的相关服务器、路由器、交换机以及其他设备,以达到非法获得或修改未经授权的数据资料、影响正常游戏服务,以及其他危害性目的的任何行为; 

3.1.6 利用网络游戏系统可能存在的技术缺陷或漏洞而以各种形式为自己及他人牟利(包括但不限于复制游戏中的虚拟物品等)。 

3.2 禁止用户进行以下侵害本网络游戏合规性的行为,包括但不限于:

3.2.1 违反宪法确定的基本原则的;

3.2.2 危害国家统一、主权和领土完整的;

3.2.3 泄露国家秘密、危害国家安全或者损害国家荣誉和利益的;

3.2.4 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结,或者侵害民族风俗、习惯的;

3.2.5 宣扬邪教、迷信的;

3.2.6 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;

3.2.7 宣扬淫秽、色情、赌博、非法彩票、暴力,或者教唆犯罪的;

3.2.8 侮辱、诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;

3.2.9 违背社会公德的;

3.2.10 有法律、行政法规和国家规定禁止的其他内容的。 

3.3 禁止用户进行以下侵害本网络游戏安全性的行为,包括但不限于:

3.3.1 以任何形式违反网络游戏管理规则或诚实信用原则,直接或间接采取组织、教唆、窃取、占有、使用、捡取、购买、转卖等手段侵犯任何第三方拥有使用权的账号、角色、虚拟货币、虚拟物品、虚拟道具等权益;

3.3.2 以任何积极或消极的形式协助他人侵犯第三方权益的; 

3.4 禁止用户利用网络游戏进行与游戏无关的行为,包括但不限于:

3.4.1 为任何非法目的及与Funcity提供服务或产品未有直接关系而使用网络服务系统;包括但不限于买卖账号、角色、虚拟货币、虚拟道具、虚拟物品,宣传赌博、非法彩票等;

3.4.2 未经Funcity授权访问或试图访问和网络游戏及Funcity提供的相关网络服务相关的任何帐户、计算机或网络;

3.4.3 未经Funcity授权利用网络游戏及Funcity提供的相关网络服务以任何方式收集任何其它用户的信息,包括但不限于用户的个人身份信息和通讯信息;

3.4.4 下载、安装或使用未经Funcity授权开发并正式发布的其它任何由网络游戏衍生的软件;

3.4.5 接收或下载由其他网络游戏用户传输的用户所知道或应当知道不能以此方式合法传播的任何材料;

3.4.6 利用网络游戏及Funcity提供的相关网络服务进行任何可能对互联网的正常运转造成不利影响的行为,包括但不限于以任何方式传输含有计算机病毒、破坏性程序的文件或其他任何可能对他人计算机或互联网的正常运转造成不利影响的软件或程序;

3.4.7 利用网络游戏及Funcity提供的相关网络服务传输任何骚扰性的、中伤他人的、辱骂性的、恐吓性的、庸俗淫秽的或其他任何非法的信息资料;

3.4.8 利用网络游戏及Funcity提供的相关网络服务进行任何不利于Funcity的行为;

3.4.9 就Funcity及合作商业伙伴的服务、产品、业务咨询应采取相应机构提供的沟通渠道,在公众场合发布有关Funcity及相关服务的负面宣传。

3.5 禁止用户进行以下侵害本网络游戏知识产权权益的行为,包括但不限于:


3.5.2 公开展示和播放本产品的全部或部分内容。

3.5.3 出租本产品于他人。

3.5.4 对本产品的程序、图像、动画和音乐进行还原、反编译、反汇编、剪辑、翻译和改编等任何修改行为。

3.5.5 修改或遮盖本产品程序、图像、动画、包装和手册等内容上的产品名称、公司标志、版权信息等内容。

3.5.6 用户不得对本网络游戏进行反向工程(Reverse Engineering)、反向编译(Decompile)或反汇编(Disassemble)等任何技术性的与合理使用游戏无关的行为。

3.5.7 以本产品作为营业使用;



4.1 用户同意在Funcity与第三方合作向用户提供相关网络服务,且该第三方同意承担与Funcity同等的保护用户隐私的责任的情况下,允许Funcity将用户的注册资料等信息提供给该第三方。

4.2 在不透露单个用户隐私资料的前提下,Funcity有权对整个用户数据库进行技术分析并对已进行分析、整理后的用户数据库进行商业上的利用。尽管Funcity对用户的隐私权保护做了极大的努力,但是仍然不能保证现有的安全技术措施使用户的技术信息等不受任何形式的损失。

4.3 用户理解并同意,Funcity有权利向用户搜集必要的数据,以了解用户需求,不断提升服务质量

5. 信息的发送 

5.1 鉴于双方协议关系的达成,用户同意Funcity有权自主决定定期或不定期的向用户的电子邮箱、手机号码等任何已知的信息媒介发送Funcity判断为对向用户进一步提供服务有积极影响的信息。 

5.2 Funcity的服务或产品上可能刊登商业广告、或其它活动促销的广告。这些内容系广告商或商品服务提供者所为,Funcity仅提供刊登内容的媒介。用户通过Funcity或其所链接的网站所购买的服务或商品,其交易行为仅存于用户与该商品或服务的提供者之间,与Funcity无关,Funcity不承担用户与该商品或服务的提供者之间所产生的任何法律责任

6. 变更与终止 

6.1 用户在接受Funcity服务时实施不正当行为的,Funcity有权终止对用户提供服务,该不当行为包括但不限于违约、违法、违反公序良俗、侵犯Funcity或任何第三方之权益等。 

6.2 发生下列情形之一时,Funcity有权停止或中断网络游戏,并且不向任何人承担因此产生的任何责任:

6.2.1 对于Funcity的网络设备进行必要的保养及施工;


6.2.3 由于Funcity所用的网络通信设备由于任何原因停止,无法提供服务时;

6.2.4 由于不可抗力因素致使Funcity无法提供网络游戏服务;

6.2.5 在根据用户使用游戏时间和/或道具作为收费项目的情况下,用户连续180天没有上线游戏,则自第180天当天的24时起,Funcity有权采取措施取消该用户至最后一次游戏当日止账号上剩余的游戏时间和价值,被取消的游戏时间和价值将不予任何补偿。

6.2.6 用户连续180天没有上线游戏,则自第180天当天的24时起,Funcity有权采取措施删除该用户账号在游戏数据库中的任何纪录(包括但不限于注册信息、角色信息、等级物品信息等)。

6.2.7 在以用户购买虚拟道具的使用权或者以接受其他增值服务作为收费项目的情况下,如超出该虚拟道具的有效使用期限或增值服务的有效服务期限(不管用户是否已经实际使用或者享受服务),或者超出有效使用或服务次数,Funcity均有权采取措施取消用户对上述虚拟道具的使用权或者取消继续提供增值服务。上述虚拟道具的使用权以及增值服务的具体收费标准均由Funcity在其相关网站上颁布,用户有义务在选择前仔细阅读并确认理解,一旦用户选择购买相关虚拟道具使用权或者接受相关服务,则表明用户已经充分理解上述虚拟道具使用权或者相关增值服务的具体收费标准,并接受其价格。


6.2.8 收费项目的改变是一种正常的商业行为,用户不得因为收费项目的改变而要求终止本协议。在Funcity收费项目发生改变后,用户按照一种项目预先支付但尚未消费完毕的金额,Funcity有权提供转换方式将上述金额转换成相应能够支付其他收费项目的金额,而用户不能因此而要求终止本协议或返还上述尚未消费完毕的金额。例如Funcity原来采取根据用户使用游戏时间作为收费项目,而用户已经预先支付人民币35元购买120小时游戏时间,在用户实际使用60小时后,Funcity改变收费项目为购买虚拟道具的使用权或者以接受其他增值服务,则Funcity有权将剩余60小时所对应的对价人民币17.5元转换为能够购买相应金额的虚拟道具的使用权或者以接受其他增值服务的金额,用户对此无异议。

6.3 任何时候(包括但不限于用户正在注册账号或已经在游戏中运行等),如Funcity发现用户在游戏中注册或使用的账号、角色、行会等一切自定义名称与其他用户相同而导致无法识别,Funcity有权要求用户修改上述名称,如用户在Funcity要求的时限内未予修改,则Funcity有权在用户自定义的名称后加注识别符号予以区别以确保游戏正常运行(例如用户希望或正在使用的角色名称为“潇洒”,但在同一组服务器中同样存在另外一个用户角色名为“潇洒”,则在用户不愿意修改名称的情况下,Funcity有权不经用户同意的情况在用户名称后加注识别符号后成为“潇洒1”、“潇洒2”等),用户保证无条件同意上述修改。

6.4 用户了解并同意,网络游戏作为一款网络游戏,必然有全面终止运营的情况发生,Funcity在发生以下情况下会终止运营网络游戏(1)应政府机关的命令终止运营;(2)游戏软件本身的技术问题导致无法继续运营;(3)Funcity决定停止运营。不管由于任何原因终止运营,Funcity均会提前60日通知用户,用户应依照Funcity指示采取相应措施自行处理游戏账号(包括注销或停止使用该账号)、游戏内虚拟物品等相关事宜。用户不得以任何原因要求Funcity不得全面终止运营。

7. 安全责任



7.3 用户应就其在网络游戏的行为或活动自负责任,Funcity仅提供网络游戏予用户自行执行或与其它用户依照游戏设定的方式进行竞赛或游戏。考虑到网络的复杂性和特殊性、虚拟物品与现实财产之间的交易存在巨大风险(包括但不限于虚拟物品因系复制物品而可被删除、国家法律对虚拟物品的价值认定存在空白等),Funcity在此提醒用户须特别慎重对待网络游戏的行为或活动或交易,Funcity申明对用户在网络游戏的行为或活动或交易不负任何责任。在任何情况下,用户不得以从其他用户处获得虚拟物品或货币所付出的真实货币或财物金额要求Funcity赔偿。

7.4 若用户发现其使用的账号或密码遭他人非法使用或有异常使用的情形,应立即通知Funcity并寻求可能的帮助,但前提条件是用户有义务提交国家有权机关出具的明确要求Funcity采取针对其它账号、角色、虚拟货币、虚拟道具、虚拟装备等进行限制、冻结、删除等任何权利限制的指示,否则鉴于是否用户本人使用其账号、用户权利要求是否正当等难于判断,Funcity在无法确认时将有权拒绝用户相关帮助请求,对此用户同意认同Funcity行为的合理性,放弃此情况下针对Funcity的任何权利诉求,Funcity亦无义务承担任何相关后续损失。

7.5 若用户发现其使用的账号或密码遭他人非法使用或有异常使用的情形,有可能通知Funcity并寻求可能的帮助,要求Funcity采取针对任何用户的账号、角色、虚拟货币、虚拟道具、虚拟装备等进行限制、冻结、删除等任何权利限制,Funcity基于正常运营之需,有权利根据用户或国家有权机关指示,对特定用户的相关权利进行限制、取消,对此权利受到影响的用户应当同意认同Funcity行为的合理性,放弃此情况下针对Funcity的任何权利诉求,Funcity亦无义务承担任何相关后续损失,Funcity可根据情况为用户之间的相关争议处理作出协助。

7.6 拒绝提供担保。






7.7 链接


7.8 强制对战


8. 违约责任

8.1 用户同意保障和维护Funcity及其他用户的利益,如因用户违反有关法律、法规或本协议项下的任何条款而给Funcity造成损害,用户同意承担由此造成的损害赔偿责任,该等责任包括但不限于给Funcity造成的任何直接或间接损失。

8.2 因用户违反有关法律、法规或本协议项下的任何条款导致任何第三方向Funcity主张任何索赔、要求或损失的,用户同意赔偿Funcity由此产生的任何直接或间接损失。


8.4 赔偿责任的排除及限制


9. 争议解决 

9.1 本协议的订立、履行、解释及争议的解决均应适用中国法律。



10. 通知和送达。本协议项下Funcity的所有通知均可通过页面公告、电子邮件或常规的信件传送、页面弹窗等方式进行;该等通知以上述任何一种形式发送之日视为已送达用户。

第五部分 用户守则 



1. GM(系指游戏管理人员)对用户违规行为的基本处理方法的释义






2. 正确处理好用户和用户之间的关系







3. 正确处理用户和游戏本身的关系











4. 正确处理用户和GM的关系:







5. 为了保证游戏公平性,“游戏名”管理将不会介入到任何用户之间纠纷中去。

6. 每个用户均有请求游戏管理人员帮助的权利,但是,为了能够让更多的人获得帮助,每个用户应该自觉不与“游戏名”管理人员闲聊。“游戏名”管理人员有权利不回答与工作无关的闲聊话题。

7. 每个用户均有监督“游戏名”管理人员的权利,如果用户发现游戏管理人员任何违规行为,均可以采用游戏提供的截图方式(保障图片真实性)获取现场,并将投诉内容通过email提交到funcitysayhello@gmail.com,我们的纪律检查部门将会对该名游戏管理员进行检查。

8. GM将有权立即暂停任何可能危害游戏系统的游戏账号的权利,所有GM都将严格按照中立和公正原则,不偏袒、不徇私,所有GM都将严格按照本守则的规定,考量实际违规情况,对用户的违规行为进行处罚。



Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs your use of the web sites and games published and maintained by Funcity Games including www.mifgame.com or other affiliate sites (collectively, the "Web Site"). By visiting this Web Site, and/or using the services offered on or through this Web Site, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy as they may be amended from time to time. As we update and expand our Web Site, this Privacy Policy may change. Funcity   encourages you to review this page from time to time. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and made part of, the Funcity   Web Site Terms of Use, which governs your use of this Web Site in general.


Our games may upload your character name & your character information to game leaderboard running in our server.

It is Funcity  ’s policy to respect and protect the privacy of visitors to this Web Site. Accordingly, Funcity   does not extract, without permission, Personal Information (as defined below) about its visitors or their computer at any time while on Funcity  ’s Web Site, except for Personal Information that is actively provided by such visitors through registration, logging in and out, online forms or other means. Funcity   will, however, analyze information about our visitors as a group to make our Web Site better, but visitors are not individually identified when we do this.

When dealing with children who we have actual knowledge are under the age of 13, Funcity   follows stringent guidelines that prohibit the sharing of Personal Information with any third parties, except in limited circumstances such as our service providers who use such information on our behalf. Our privacy policies regarding children are outlined in Funcity  ’s Parental Consent Policy section below.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to information that you may provide to us, or that we may obtain, through sources other than our Web Site, such as by phone, mail and other live and print mediums.

This Privacy Policy shall be interpreted under the laws of the United States, regardless of the location of individual users.

You have the right to opt out of certain uses and disclosures of your Personal Information. See the Right to Opt Out section below for further details.

California Privacy Rights

The following applies to California residents who have an established business relationship with Funcity  . If we collect Personal Information from you we will not share your Personal Information with any third parties unless required to do so by operation of law or in order to prevent harm to you or any other users of our Web Site. For more information on how your Personal Information is collected, used and shared, please read the remainder of this Privacy Policy.

What Funcity   Collects

Funcity   may collect a variety of statistical data about its Web Site visitors. This data includes the source IP address (as further described below in the "IP Address and Clickstream Data" section) of the visitor, the time of visit, the areas of the site visited and information about browser, operating system and other system parameters. As of the date of this Privacy Policy, none of this information is used to personally identify any individual visitor, and is used solely for the purposes of analyzing overall traffic and  ge patterns. However, Funcity   reserves the right to begin matching such  ge data with an individual’s Personal Information subsequent to the date of this Privacy Policy.

In order to make your visits to our Web Site and use of the services available on or through our Web Site as worthwhile as possible, Funcity   may also collect Personal Information about its visitors, but only when a visitor provides such Personal Information to us in the process of entering contests or sweepstakes, signing up for our newsletter(s), using our "Feedback" feature, registering with the Web Site or using other services available on or through our Web Site. The information that you give us and information about your order, purchases or other activities on the Web Site may be combined with other Personal Information (such as demographic information and past purchase history) available from our records and other sources. "Personal Information" includes usernames, e-mail addresses, wireless addresses, credit card and other payment information, purchase history, demographic information, and/or other information that may identify you as an individual or allow online or offline contact with you as an individual. This information is used by Funcity   to fulfill your requests and for marketing and research purposes. This information will not be shared with other marketers to bring you offers of interest. Certain areas of Funcity  ’s Web Site may require user registration in order to gain access; once you register with the Funcity   Web Site to use that content, you will no longer be anonymous to us.

Right to Opt Out

You have the right to opt out of certain of our uses of your Personal Information. For example, at the time you are requested to provide Personal Information on this Web Site, you may have the opportunity to elect to, or not to receive correspondence from us. You may make this request by sending an e-mail to funcitysayhello@gmail.com or by electing to not receive our e-mail newsletter notifications during your registration process. Furthermore, all of our correspondence will include a link to Opt Out of future newsletters and/or notifications. In this e-mail, please say whether: (i) you would like to opt out of receiving promotional correspondence from Funcity   in general, or just via e-mail, postal mail, short message service (SMS), instant messaging, and/or by phone, and/or (ii) you would only like to opt out of certain of Funcity  ’s e-newsletters or correspondence, and if so which ones. You may also opt out of Funcity  ’s promotional e-mails by clicking on an opt-out link within the e-mail you receive.

Please understand that if you opt out of receiving correspondence from us, we may still contact you in connection with your relationship, activities, transactions and communications with us.

Use of Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

Funcity   may use "cookie" technology to enhance a visitor's online experience by making it easier to navigate through our Web Site or to make an activity work better.

Cookies are small pieces of information or data files that are sent through your browser or related software from a Web server and are stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies may be used to track where you travel on our Web Site and what you look at and purchase, and they allow a computer to "remember" information from our Web Site for future use. The use of cookies is an industry standard and is practiced by most major Web sites. Cookies alone tell us nothing about who you are, but they may enable us to relate your use of our Web Site to other information, including your Personal Information, which you have provided to us when you registered for notification about one of our products or purchased a product from us by visiting our Web Site. All of these purposes serve to enhance your experience while using our services in the ways described below.

Most Web browsers can be set to inform you when a cookie has been sent to you and provide you with the opportunity to refuse that cookie. Additionally, if you have a Flash player installed on your computer, your Flash player can be set to reject or delete Flash cookies. However, refusing a cookie may, in some cases, preclude you from using, or negatively impact the display or function of, the Web Site or certain areas or features of the Web Site.

Funcity   also may use "clear GIFs" (aka "Web beacons" or "pixel tags") or similar technologies, in the Web Site and/or in our communications with you to enable us to know whether you have visited a web page or received a message. A clear GIF is typically a one-pixel, transparent image (although it can be a visible image as well), located on a web page or in an e-mail or other type of message, which is retrieved from a remote site on the Internet enabling the verification of an individual’s viewing or receipt of a web page or message. A clear gif may enable us to relate your viewing or receipt of a web page or message to other information about you, including your Personal Information.

We may use cookies and other tracking technologies in a variety of ways, including:

Keeping count of return visits to our Web Site or our advertisers’ or partners’ sites

Accumulating and reporting anonymous, aggregate (data collected in mass), statistical information on website and advertisement  ge

Determining which features our customers like best

IP Address and “Clickstream” Data

Our server automatically collects data about your server’s Internet address when you visit us. This information, known as an Internet Protocol address, or IP Address, is a number that’s automatically assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider whenever you’re on the Internet. When you request pages from our Web Site, our servers may log your IP Address and sometimes your domain name. Our server may also record the referring page that linked you to us (e.g., another Web site or a search engine); the pages you visit on this Web Site; the Web site you visit after this Web Site; the ads you see and/or click on; other information about the type of Web browser, computer, platform, related software and settings you are using; any search terms you have entered on this Web Site or a referral site; and other Web  ge activity and data logged by our Web servers. We use this information for internal system administration, to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web Site. Such information may also be used to gather broad demographic information, such as country of origin and Internet Service Provider. We reserve the right to link this information with your Personal Information.

Any or all of these activities with regard to Web site  ge information (i.e., information gathered through the use of cookies, Web bugs and clickstream data) may be performed on our behalf by our services providers.

How Funcity   Uses Personal Information

Personal Information is used to enhance and custom-tailor each user's experience on the Web Site. Such information will also be used, for example, to process your orders, respond to your requests and inquiries and provide you with the services and features offered on or through our Web Site.

Funcity   may also use Personal Information to maintain our internal record keeping. We reserve the right to match information collected from you through different means or at different times, including both Personal Information and Web Site  ge information, and use such information along with information obtained from other sources. In addition, we may send you notices (for example, in the form of e-mails, mailings, and the like), and otherwise correspond with you, about products, services, companies and events, sponsored by us and others, that we think might interest you. You may opt-out of receiving such notices from us by following the instructions in the Right to Opt Out section above.

In addition, Funcity   may use Personal Information to generate aggregate data about our Web Site’s visitors.

Requests For Feedback

Funcity   may request feedback from visitors to the Web Site regarding an activity or piece of content on the Web Site. Such feedback is used for internal purposes only.

How Funcity   Shares Information Collected Online

Funcity   will not sell, rent or give a visitor's Personal Information to any third party unless required to do so by operation of the law or in order to protect the users of the Web Site or in the limited circumstances required in order to correct an error regarding a players account; in such case, Funcity   will only share as much information as is necessary and only with its parent or affiliated partners in order to remedy any errors. Notwithstanding the above, Funcity   may, however, share aggregate information about users of our Web Site, such as overall patterns or demographic reports that do not describe or identify any individual user, with our advertisers, business partners, sponsors and certain others, as further described herein. As mentioned above, this aggregate information is used to develop, improve and customize Funcity  ’s Web Site to better serve visitors to our Web Site.


Co-sponsored Contests, Sweepstakes and Offerings

Some of our contests, sweepstakes and other offerings may be co-sponsored by another company. In those situations, we may share the information we obtain from you in connection with such contest, sweepstake or offering with our co-sponsor, unless you instruct us not to by following the instructions in the Right to Opt Out section above. In those situations, our co-sponsors will have the right to use your information for their own purposes, in accordance with their own policies. We are not responsible for how our co-sponsors may use your information.

Service Providers

We may use third party partners to help operate our Web Site and deliver our products and services, and may share your information with our affiliates, service providers and other third parties that provide products or services for or through this Web Site or for our business (such as Web site or database hosting companies, address list hosting companies, e-mail service providers, analytics companies, distribution companies, fulfillment companies, and other similar service providers that use such information on our behalf).

Legally Compelled Disclosures

We may disclose user information to government authorities, and to other third parties when compelled to do so by government authorities, at our discretion, or otherwise as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to in response to court orders and subpoenas. We also may disclose user information when we have reason to believe that someone is causing injury to or interference with our rights or property, other users of the Web Site, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities. We may also report information about your account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report.

Business Transfer

In the event that Funcity  , or substantially all of its assets, is acquired by one or more third parties as a result of an acquisition, merger, sale, reorganization, consolidation or liquidation, Personal Information may be one of the transferred assets.

Wireless Addresses

If the e-mail address you provide to us is a wireless e-mail address, you agree to receive messages at such address from Funcity  . You understand that your wireless carrier's standard or premium rates apply to these messages, and that you may change your mind at any time by following the instructions in the Right to Opt Out section above. You represent that you are the owner or authorized user of the wireless device on which messages will be received, and that you are authorized to approve the applicable charges.

Advertisers and Third Party "Linked-To" Web Sites

Funcity   may include advertisements and/or links to web sites operated by third parties that are not sponsors and are not affiliated with Funcity  . Funcity   tries to make sure that when there are links off the Web Site, they are working and lead visitors to interesting, fun and informative areas. However, it is hard to guarantee what exactly is presented on other Web sites or where links elsewhere may lead. Funcity   is not responsible for the content, practices, or information provided or requested on Web sites operated by third parties. Further, advertisements on and links to or from mifgame.com do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, or approval by Funcity   of the content, policies, practices or products or services offered on these Web sites.

Parents/guardians should check each Web site's privacy policy and terms of use in order to understand their policies and practices regarding the collection and use of personally identifiable information. Funcity   also suggests that parents/guardians review the privacy policies of all Web sites that their children visit, including those Web sites linking to or from the Funcity   Web Site. Information provided to those web sites will be subject to the privacy policy posted at that web site.


The importance of security for all Personal Information associated with visitors to our Web Site is of utmost concern to us. Funcity   exercises great care and implements a variety of technologies in an effort to help make the Funcity   Web Site secure against unauthorized access and to protect the Personal Information visitors choose to provide to us. Funcity   periodically reviews and updates these measures. Unfortunately, due to the inherent nature of the Internet as an open global communications vehicle, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be secure, and Funcity   cannot guarantee that information, during transmission through the Internet or while stored on our system or otherwise in our care, will be absolutely safe from intrusion by others, such as hackers. As a result, while Funcity   strives to protect a visitor's Personal Information, Funcity   cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information transmitted to us or from our online products or services, and a visitor does so at his/her own risk. Funcity   uses the industry standard, SSL (secure socket layer) encryption when credit card information is transmitted to us.

If you contact us by e-mail or a "contact us" or similar feature on our Web site, you should be aware that your transmission might not be secure. A third party could view information you send by these methods in transit.

We will have no liability for disclosure of your information due to errors or unauthorized acts of third parties during or after transmission.

In the unlikely event that we believe that the security of your Personal Information in our possession or control may have been compromised, we may seek to notify you of that development. If a notification is appropriate, we would endeavor to do so as promptly as possible under the circumstances, and, to the extent we have your e-mail address, we may notify you by e-mail. You consent to our use of e-mail as a means of such notification. If you prefer for us to use another method to notify you in this situation, please e-mail us at funcitysayhello@gmail.com with the alternative contact information you wish to be used.

Review and deletion of personal information

You may review and delete the Personal Information about you that is contained in your user account at Funcity   at any time. If you would like to review or delete this information, please e-mail us at funcitysayhello@gmail.com

Privacy Review

send an email to funcitysayhello@gmail.com.


With identity theft a continuing problem, it has become increasingly common for unauthorized individuals to send e-mail messages to consumers, purporting to represent a legitimate company such as a bank or on-line merchant, requesting that the consumer provide personal, often sensitive information. Sometimes, the domain name of the e-mail address from which the e-mail appears to have been sent, and the domain name of the web site requesting such information, appears to be the domain name of a legitimate, trusted company. In reality, such sensitive information is received by an unauthorized individual to be used for purposes of identity theft. This illegal activity has come to be known as "phishing."

If you receive an e-mail or other correspondence requesting that you provide any sensitive information (including your Web Site password or credit card information) via e-mail or to a Web site that does not seem to be affiliated with our Web Site, or that otherwise seems suspicious to you, please do not provide such information, and report such request to us at funcitysayhello@gmail.com.

Consent to Processing

By providing Personal Information to this Web Site, you understand and consent to the collection, maintenance, processing and transfer of such information in and to the United States and other countries and territories.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Funcity Games   reserves the right to change or update this Privacy Policy, or any other of our policies or practices, at any time, and will notify users of this Web Site by posting such changed or updated Privacy Policy on this page. Any changes or updates will be effective immediately upon posting to this Web Site. Under certain circumstances, we may also elect to notify you of changes or updates to our Privacy Policy by additional means, such as posting a notice on the front page of our Web Site to sending you an e-mail.

Questions, Concerns and Comments

If you have any questions regarding Funcity  ’s Privacy Policy, please contact us at funcitysayhello@gmail.com or write to us at:

Funcity Games  , Inc.

Business & Legal Affairs

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

Never provide any information about yourself on the Internet without your parent's/guardian's permission. Please read Funcity  ’s Parental Consent Policy (see below) with your parents/guardians before you go any further. Where legally required, Funcity   requires your parent’s/guardian’s written (or electronic) permission for children who we have actual knowledge are under age thirteen (13) to provide us with certain Personal Information required to get any Funcity   newsletter(s), order subscriptions, enter any clubs, etc., or participate in other activities and/or services available on or through the Web Site.


Where Funcity  ’s information collection activities involve children that Funcity   has actual knowledge are under the age of thirteen (13), Funcity   provides special privacy protections. In accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"), Funcity   will not knowingly collect any Personal Information from children under the age of thirteen (13) without first obtaining parental consent or otherwise following the requirements set forth by COPPA. Furthermore, Funcity   does not share any Personal Information that Funcity   has actual knowledge is about users under the age of thirteen (13) with third parties.

Prior to providing any Personal Information (such as your name, e-mail address, address, phone number etc.) either by placing an order for merchandise, entering a contest or sweepstakes (if eligible), or participating in any other activity offered through the Web Site, where legally required, children who Funcity   has actual knowledge are under the age of thirteen (13) must have a parent provide an express confirmation of parental consent by sending an e-mail to funcitysayhello@gmail.com. In these instances, users who Funcity   has actual knowledge are under the age of thirteen (13) are prompted for a parent's e-mail address. This e-mail address will be sent a notification message with an embedded link to a parental consent page on the Funcity   Web Site. The child's registration, order, transaction or request will be considered incomplete until the child's parent uses this link to complete the parental consent process.

Alternatively, parents may send a written Parental Consent letter to:

Funcity Games  , Inc.

Parental Consent

The Consent letter must state that the child's "Parent" or "Legal Guardian," by his or her signature, consents to the collection of the child's Personal Information. Consent may be revoked by sending a Parental Consent Revocation letter and sending it to the address or fax number above. Please note that if a parent does not permit Funcity  ’s use or collection of Personal Information or has instructed Funcity   to delete personally identifiable information, a child's participation in those Web Site activities for which the Personal Information has been requested may not be possible.

In compliance with COPPA, Funcity   is sensitive about children consulting with parents or guardians before furnishing Personal Information or ordering anything online. Funcity   encourages parents/guardians to supervise and join their children in exploring cyberspace.

With the limited exceptions described in this Privacy Policy, Funcity   will not disclose Personal Information collected from children that we have actual knowledge are under the age of thirteen (13) to third parties, except in special cases where Funcity   has reason to believe that disclosure is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference (whether intentionally or unintentionally) with Funcity  ’s rights or property or anyone else who may be harmed by such actions, or if required by law.

Funcity   recommends that parents/guardians monitor and supervise the online activities of their children and to consider using available parental control tools which can prevent children from disclosing their name, address, and other Personal Information without parental permission. Visitors to the Web Site who are under thirteen (13) years old should not be submitting any Personal Information, such as their name, address, e-mail address, phone number, etc. without a parent's or guardian's permission.

Last updated: Nov 10, 2015